Perils of Supersizing

How many portions are in a bag of snack-size whole grain crackers? Or a small bottle of locally-pressed juice? Or a lunchbox pack of granola bars?  Hint: it’s not “one.” Often, the above products contain two or two-and-a-half servings per package. Can YOU Eat Just One? When you are faced with a bag of chips…

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Europe is a culinary delight

After 5 weeks of visiting 8 countries in Europe, it was a challenge to synthesize all the most important lessons that I learned about how Europeans eat, what they eat, and why they seem to have a healthier lifestyle.  My first observation is that they walk…and do I mean walk.  We logged thousands of steps…

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Root Vegetables – They Provide Variety Beyond a Salad

Many of you already know that I completed the Hapalua half marathon last weekend and I must say it can be a challenge (at any age).  Both before and after the run, I needed to focus on healthy carbs, and root vegetables have proven to be beneficial, especially beets! When you think about healthy eating,…

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Racing to the finish line

As some of you know, I am trying to get more fit in preparation for the Hapalua (Honolulu half marathon) and my husband is also exercising with me to make sure his knee is healing properly from his knee surgery.  I signed up online for Mbtion, an app that recommends a personalized fitness plan.  In…

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Isn’t fat bad for me?

Dietary fat: is it good or bad? Both. You see, not all fats are created equal. The Skinny on Fats Heavily processed, hydrogenated “trans” fats used in prepared, packaged foods can be extremely damaging to the body. They can compromise the cardiovascular system, immune system, and contribute to behavior problems. They can also lead to…

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Balance. Is it a Myth?

Balance. Work-life balance is a sticky subject among many people.  We have careers, partners, children, family commitments, charity work, classes, hobbies, worship time — plus big desires to improve our health.  How can we possibly balance so many things? I’m going to let you in on a little secret.  You can’t. “Harmony” is an easier…

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Sugar – Are you addicted?

Sweets sure are tempting.  Look at this sundae being sold in NYC.  It’s 900 calories! This was my inspiration to create my Sugar Cravings workshop at Down to Earth (a local organic market).  I appreciate all the people who came out to learn more about this controversial health crisis. Eating too much sugar has been…

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Life is Good – Especially with nutritious plant based proteins!

The retreat in Palm Springs, California with Robin Shirley (pictured) was awesome.  Robin hosts retreats around the country for the company she founded “Take Back Your Health”.  The weather was over 110 each day but that didn’t stop the 8 of us from enjoying each other’s company and learning new things about healthy living, healthy eating and…

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Synchronicity is a beautiful, magical thing. An example: I was having a relaxing and soothing reflexology massage one day.  The reflexologist asked me if I had heard of Robin Shirley.  Hmmm.  I looked for her on the internet and found that she hosts conferences and health retreats!  Luck would have it that she was going…

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Retirement? Maybe a new beginning…

My friends could not believe me when I told them that I was going to retire.  Retire, they asked?  Yes, I did “retire”, but I like to now think of it as a moratorium from going to work in an office each day. I always thought that retirement would involve sitting on a beach, reading…

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